If you are one of those who goes out for a walk every morning, this will interest you With the de-escalation, we are seeing more people than ever on the street after eight in the afternoon. 

Weight lose by walking

Everyone puts on their sports shoes and takes their bikes, goes for a run or a walk. The most successful option is the last one: it is more comfortable, for all audiences and can be done comfortably with the mask on.

The question is: in addition to airing ourselves and stretching our legs does walking help us lose weight? How far do you have to walk to lose weight ? We'll tell you then.

How to lose weight by walking 

According to the  American College of Sports Medicine  (ACSM), we should all get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day or 150 minutes per week. Although following these instructions considerably improves our health, the truth is that if we want to lose weight, we should increase the minutes to the activity.

For people who are obese and/or trying to lose weight, the ACSM recommends increasing this number to 200–300 minutes per week (3.3–5 hours). In other words,  walking for an hour for 4/5 days a week will be enough to achieve your weight loss goals. Any additional time you spend exercising will also increase your total calorie burn.

Taking a one hour walk for 4/5 days per week will be enough to achieve your weight loss goals

 Walking can provide almost the same health benefits as running (and carries a lower risk of injury). However, when it comes to losing weight, duration is key.

According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), a 68-kg person burns 340 calories in a 5-kilometer run if it takes half an hour. That is, it burns 11.3 calories per minute. 

On the other hand, a person of the same weight (68 kg) who walks the same kilometers (5 km) for an hour burns 224 calories. This averages 3.7 calories burned per minute.

Walking for an hour burns about 244 calories

So, as we see, the idea is to walk for at least an hour. If we do it for five days a week, we will have a deficit of 1,000 calories. And remember that for every 7,000 calories you lose one kilo. So if you walk at a fast pace and adjust your diet, you will lose weight and tone your legs and buttocks.

If you want to enhance the effect of your walks, you can get weights to place them on the ankles, so the effort will be greater and, therefore, you will lose more weight and tone more. Be careful, if you have problems with the joints of your knees, do not use them.

Walking reduces belly fat

reduce fat belly

In addition to burning calories, regular walking has been shown to reduce fat accumulated in the belly and, therefore, reduce the waistline. A study conducted among obese women proved it. The women walked for 50 to 70 minutes three times a week for three months, after which time they reduced their waists 2.8 centimeters, on average, and lost 1.5% of their body fat.

Other research on the effects of brisk walking for 30-60 minutes per day has found similar results. 

Walking helps you lose weight and sleep better

In addition to making us lose weight, walking briskly at night after dinner makes us sleep better. This has been verified by a study carried out by the ' NationalSleep Foundation ', which concluded that a single session of aerobic activity of moderate intensity, such as walking, helped volunteers with insomnia to fall asleep faster, compared to those who were very intense exercises like running.

This is because intense exercise 'wakes us up', as it speeds up our heart rate and makes us more alert, which prevents us from falling asleep effectively. Intensive walking, on the other hand, relaxes usrelieves stress, and improves mood.

And this is it, reader. As you can see, the benefits of walking at a joyful pace have innumerable and powerful benefits

But walking every day not only makes us lose weight, but it also helps us sleep better.