The honey is a natural product viscous, sweet and which produce bees from the nectar of flowers. We often use it for breakfast, pouring it on toast or yogurts, but the truth is that it is a product with infinite health benefits.
The bees, natural production, are not just a small insect, but they are one of the most important animals in the world. Their hives, divided into cells, have a queen in charge of laying eggs so that new workers are born. These are the true workers, since from birth they have different tasks such as making wax, cleaning, feeding, caring for and collecting nectar, to carry it, and to create honey.
Where does honey come from?
Although we are used to seeing this product in its liquid state, a solid (hard) honey is another sign of purity, as this shows that it has not been overheated or freeze-dried. Because instead of being made of flower nectar, they are produced by the sweating of some plants or trees such as oak or holm oak, since they are 'attacked' by an aphid that drills leaves, stems, or fruits and makes them bleed a sweet resin, very similar to nectar and that they also make and store in the combs.
According to its floral origin, this product has an infinity of components, all of them beneficial to our health. It is mainly composed of carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, or sucrose. All these sugars are inverted, so our body can assimilate them directly without having to transform them. " Cane or beet sugar, in addition to being subjected to industrial processes, the body must transform them in order to assimilate them, " says the professional.
There are some honeys that are high in glucose or fructose, depending on their floral origin, so learning about their composition can be essential for some people with sugar problems since it is possible that depending on the type that predominates, it can be a swindle. "It must be remembered that this natural product has about three times more sweetening power than sugar,
Honey and its many benefits
Surely on many occasions, you have heard someone older say that if you take honey, you will get sick less and that life expectancy will be longer. And it is that its extensive natural properties are supported by countless scientific studies. The last one, published by the University of Oxford, states that it would be even more effective as a medicine to end colds than any antibiotic they can prescribe.
"Its antibiotic and emollient power is always used for the treatment of wounds, burns, and ulcers because its content contains a substance with an antimicrobial effect called inhibin. In fact, it can be used as an external medicine due to its antiseptic properties. , to help prevent infections or to improve healing "
In addition, in research published in the British Medical Journal, to determine whether honey affected the treatment of acute diarrhea in children in any way, scientists found that it shortened the duration of this change in bowel movements in infants and children small, and that it could be used safely as a substitute for glucose in oral rehydration solution.